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If you like the performance of the new Vette, but prefer the look of a 1966.. .problem solved. The Rossi 66 You On Here » , , » If you like the performance of the new Vette, but prefer the look of a 1966.. .problem solved. The Rossi 66

I'm not sure what a "Pure Unfiltered Design" would be without an example to look at, but I don't think it's an evolution of the Corvette designed by Chevy. Isn't improving the design of an existing car just filtering their design with your critical appreciation?

I notice the hood is an improvement over the advertisement board example

you on If you like the performance of the new Vette, but prefer the look of a 1966.. .problem solved. The Rossi 66
related postIf you like the performance of the new Vette, but prefer the look of a 1966.. .problem solved. The Rossi 66 for you .
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