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Would you want a new Jeep, if they could only have the military tread pattern? It's disconcerting to view a new vehicle with WW2 era military tires You On Here » , , , » Would you want a new Jeep, if they could only have the military tread pattern? It's disconcerting to view a new vehicle with WW2 era military tires

What do you think... pretty weird to look at? Or a cool idea no one has thought of doing to a new car?

you on Would you want a new Jeep, if they could only have the military tread pattern? It's disconcerting to view a new vehicle with WW2 era military tires
related postWould you want a new Jeep, if they could only have the military tread pattern? It's disconcerting to view a new vehicle with WW2 era military tires for you .
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